Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Hi Uri!
I really am curious about my work ethic.
I know I can work hard, but I also know I dilly and Dally and goof around a bit. I am wondering how much is known or noticed.
With so much going on, maybe focusing up couldn't hurt?
I mean I did get out of the fire and now I feel things are nice and cooled down.
I don't think it could hurt for me to focus more on work.
And WHOA! Did I ever unplug from Jesse! Now that is the most impressive thing!
Still nice, still there, but so not tapped into it fully. I was able to release a lot in my dreams last night! That is awesome stuff!
I've got a lot of good stuff going for me. That is what I want to focus on!
It was the vision I got as all of this new job stuff was settling in. I got the complete sensation of a healthier lifestyle taking over. Of health and vibrancy and living in a balanced and happy way!
That is really freaking exciting... and that is what I am stepping up into!
I can totally do this!

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